Sunday, July 18, 2010

True Story

Our first and only customers

As the day was drawing to an end, Pasha and I ran out of money and we became extremely hungry. Noticing a Boudin store by the Fishermans Wharf, we decided to try to buy a loaf of bread. Considering the fact that we only had $1 between us, this was not possible, and so we decided to invest in a brilliant idea. I thought that if we bought a sharpie and a small posterboard at Walgreens, we could make a sign saying Photos-$1 and sell them at Pier 39. So we bought our supplies, and we headed over to Pier 39 to earn some money. After about an hour of asking couples if they would like to get their pictures taken, we finally got our first customer. After another half hour of fruitless attempts, we gave up and left. So after almost 2 hours of work, we were right back where we started, with one dollar, not able to afford even a loaf of bread. The moral of this story is that if you ever find yourself broke and hungry, don't try to earn money, panhandling is likely more successful.